Out and About

Freedom’s Wings Offers Soaring Adventure
A story to remind you of the good in the world. One recent day, I headed out to Van Sant

Affordable Housing: Out of reach
As market booms, affordable housing in Bucks County is in short supply. Marion Callahan Bucks County Courier Times/ USA Today Pennsylvania A

He survived two Nazi Death Camps. Yet Ernie Gross’s life was full of hope.
By Marion Callahan Published in USA Today, The Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer. Ernie Gross learned to find

Slow Motion
During a recent training with Sony professionals, I created this video featuring professional Boxer J.D. Rivera. Another team-produced video is

2020 Election Coverage USA Today
Covering elections means getting local and national in scope. That year, I captured presidential visits through photos and video, covered

Foster Youth
Foster kids: ‘They are the forgotten children’ Marion Callahan Published in The Bucks County Courier Times & Intelligencer Andrew Smith
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