Media Services


Travel - Headshots - Pets - Events - Photojournalism - Sports - Family gatherings - Architecture

Candid Family Events

Let us join you, capturing a family adventure, whether it's to a local apple orchard or at a backyard celebration.


We love taking pictures of pets - inside, outside, during field-trips to the park or other fun pet-friendly spots.

special nights & Milestones

Prom night, Homecoming, graduation day and any other milestone gathering or event.

Event Photography

To capture attention in a scrolling world, professional photography is your answer to drawing viewers into your content.

Each photograph is a narrative in itself, a powerful moment frozen in time, waiting to captivate and connect with the viewer on both a professional and emotional level.

In this visual age, mastering the art of photography is not just a skill; it's a passport to stop the scroll and invite the world into the profound stories that images can tell.

Short-form Video

In a world where attention spans are fleeting, short-form videos are critical in engaging audiences quickly.
It's more than a trend; it's an art form that transforms moments into memorable and relatable stories for more audiences to consume, whether they are on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok or a blog.

Multimedia Professor & Coach

As a professor of media and industry creator, I coach in all forms of multimedia storytelling and content creating, teaching Social Media Strategy, Writing & Editing, and Visual storytelling through Photography and Short-form video.